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Saturday, October 13, 2007


I'm putting off hopping in the shower this morning because the next step is out the door and it's pretty darn cold out there. Today is Market day and I've got the truck loaded with everything except me.

The bees need some tending to so I suppose when I get home from the market I'll have to look in on them. Bottom boards need to be slipped in to button up the hatches for them and I want to weed wack around the hives once more before real winter.

I actually had to build a fire in the fireplace last night. I think it's because I was running in and out from the garage making candles all day. I've got some new molds and can't wait to show them at the market today, and I for the first time put color in my wax. . . .Yikes, it's something I said I would never do, but I found a friend of mine who works with Native American Indians and she gets natural dyes from them that can be used in Beeswax. So I don't feel so stressed out about not having an all natural product. Besides I have to keep reminding myself, this month Martha Stewart, my idol made beeswax candles using two of my molds and yes Martha used wax dye in her candles. If it's ok for Martha, I'm thinking it's ok for me. I just won't let the bees see. . . . . .

Have a great fall day!

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