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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Honey Harvest is finally in.

Thank goodness, the last bit of honey has been put in buckets and stored until I need it. I didn't think this day would ever come. Now we can focus on making sure that the bees are ready for winter.

Saturday I plan on doing another hive check, just to make sure that the bees are storing enough honey and to supplement feed those that don't have enough put away. I've also got to check on a couple of the hives and see about combining them. It's such a hard call to make. I have two hives in two different locations that are not real weak, but they are not doing as well as the other hives that surround them, so do I combine them or do I let them try to make it through the winter? I'm thinking I will probably combine I just hate to lose a queen in the process.

I have a lot on the schedule for today, I need to label and bottle some honey and get things ready for market this afternoon. I feel bad but I had to miss Saturdays market, it wasn't planned and when that happens I feel horrible because I have people waiting for orders but sometimes things are out of your control and you have to just accept it. I've been beating myself up for it way too much and started to rethink just what I have gotten myself into. I like being a beekeeper and in the process started to sell what we harvest at home, somewhere along the way I've let the market part of what I do get out of control. Time to start enjoying the beekeeping part of things again!

Well I'm headed out to the gym and get some time in on the eliptical. Seems that I've been ignoring my health more than I should. . . So I hope your day is good today, and if you find that it's not, step back for a second to see the whole picture and start counting the blessings in your life. I'm sure that will make you smile.

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