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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Life in the Bee Yard!

Well we have had a few ups and we have had a few downs this week. Right now my truck is out of commission, the four wheel drive wants to start whenever it wants to start. Not a good thing when you are driving down the highway. Instead of getting all stressed, I'm thinking it's God's way of telling me I've got other stuff to take care of. So I'm focusing today on getting the extractor area taken care of. Jim made the most awesome stand for me. He's been busy working on nuc boxes (Small hives, only 4 or 5 frames each). After our great visit to Uncle Ted and Aunt Mars house, Jim got inspired to try to overwinter like Uncle Ted has been able to do. So we will try and see if it works out. We are trying to increase our hive size without buying new bees every year.

I also came across a great video which I've put as a link to the right of the daily updates. "Do the Honey Bee!"

If this doesn't make you laugh I don't know what would!!!!

Can't you see a whole bunch of us at the farm market doing this?

What part would you play?

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