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Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 Here We Come!

Starting the day out a little late, feel like I've lived the whole year that way. All the things I had envisioned that was going to happen never really happened. Sure we had a vast number of learning opportunities (that's me trying to be positive) and we actually had quiet a few successes.

On the bee side, well I could have done much better. Last year I think I got so wrapped up with the market end of things I didn't take care of my bees the way I should have. I think I almost (is that ever really possible) have the market figured out. Some of you I'm sure are saying, what the heck is there to figure out? Well believe me there is a ton more than I thought to figure out. Trying to find what people want and like and then how to please the state to meet health guidelines and comply with everyones rules and regulations is enough to drive anyone insane. But I survived. Am I sane? Well my family I am sure would beg to differ with me. I do have probably the best game plan for the next year as far as the market goes, now I just have to follow it through. There won't be any new products this year. Three flavors of whipped honey and my regular honey, hot honey and cinnamon honey. My candles will of course vary from holiday to holiday, but I don't see much new on that horizon as well.

I've been busy also trying to get the house stuff in order. Kitchens, living rooms and finally the work rooms. So does that sound like I'm going to be keeping busy?

So rather than get wrapped up about all I've not gotten done, it's time to look ahead at what I have to look forward to doing:) I know it's almost the same thing, but I'm trying to stay more positive. . .

Happy New Year!! (See I'm ahead of the game already!!)

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