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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Honey Tree Adventure

So the day started pretty normal. Jim went to work and I took care of stuff at home. We agreed to go back out to the Log yard to see what we could do and as soon as Jim got home we headed out there. After looking it over, Jim decided to try to cut an access in the log where the hole was. He was hoping not to damage too much comb.
He wasn't able to get to all the comb so he ended cutting the end of the log off and when he did he pulled out as much of the comb as we could. The log company didn't want the bees there anymore, I think they were a tad concerned with someone getting stung. They had heard that bees were in danger and decided to try to call someone about removing them rather than just trying to kill them. You really have to give them credit for that, but I don't know just how much we were able to help.
The bees were flying like crazy as soon as the chainsaw started and we ended up leaving a box there with comb in it from the hive, hoping that they ended up there last night. We have no idea if we got the queen. There was way too much stuff going on to figure that out. When we arrived home Jim set up the box behind the garage and when he checked they were all balled up on the inside corner of the box. Hopefully they will stay, but only time will tell I suppose.
Here are the pictures that go along with the story.

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