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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Market tomorrow

Well tomorrow I’m headed off to another new market. I keep hearing that the folks in Perrysburg, Ohio might like my products. Hopefully they will because I would really like to add another market to my schedule for next year.

For those of you who don’t go to market regularly it’s a really great experience. Not only for the shoppers but also the market folks. I work with bees and I work hard, I’m not saying that I don’t but I have to tell you knowing what I know now about traditional in the ground fruit and vegetable farmers will make me appreciate what they bring to my table a whole lot more.

Not only are they out way early in the morning at the crack of dawn, but they are also out in the environment no matter what the weather is like, Think about that folks. . .the next time it’s cold or rainy or muddy outside there are people working the ground to make sure that your veggies and fruits are in the market. They harvest their products, they clean up their products, and they bring them to the market way early in the morning just for us.

When you go to a store like Kroger’s or Meyers are you able to ask the person in the produce department just how fresh their product is? Do you think they really know? Or, try asking someone just exactly what type of variety the tomatoes are? How about recipes and the best way to prepare it. .
Well you get all that and a whole lot more at the market.

If I sound like I’m on a soapbox, well maybe I am. I’m surrounded by a whole lot of very hard working made in the USA Farmers and I realized today looking around that I never appreciated just what they do for us. Why is it that when you come to market and get an obviously superior product than what you get in the store that you expect to pay much less. Let’s think about this for just one moment.

1. You’re getting a very very fresh picked product. (Not something that was picked a week ago before it was ripe so that when they shipped it across country it would arrive to you ripe).
2. The person who grows it is the most knowledgeable person around about how to take care of it. Store it. Prepare it.
3. Tell me the last time you were willing to get out of bed at 4:00 a.m. on a Saturday, load a truck clear full of stuff head off to market, unload it, make it pretty (cause we all know it’s all about how it looks as well as how it tastes) and then stand in the market all day long till the market closes, pack up your stuff and head home.
4. Getting the opportunity to be exposed to so many different varieties of things is great. I myself have fallen deeply in love with a Candy Onion. I never knew that there was something called a Candy Onion. Now every time I’m in the market I make sure that people I know find out about Candy Onions. Why do I do it?
Because it’s a great market experience that I got a chance to experience and I really want someone else to experience it too!
5. And in general, they are a great bunch of people to be surrounded by. They work hard and they play hard, and they take their produce very very seriously.

So the next time you think the farmers market is not such a great way to spend some time, just drop on by because I know it’s something you will really enjoy.

Ok, I’m stepping down off the soapbox, and heading to bed. I’ve got to get up early enough to bottle and label honey.

Have a good day and hopefully I’ll see you in the market.

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