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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Long Long Day

When you look at this photo I'm sure it's hard to visualize, but what you are looking at is the underside of the hive top feeder. The girls used the empty space between the box and the frames they were working on below to fill with wax, honey and yes babies.

I gently removed as much of the comb without doing much damage and set the comb right above the frames. I put an empty box where the chunks of comb are and put another box of frames right above it. I'll go in either tomorrow or Saturday to remove the empty box and hopefully the cleaned up comb.

So what did I learn?
I still have loads to learn. I am so overloaded with what I found out in the yard that I don't know where to start.
I got all the hive top feeders off and if I didn't have another deep box ready to go on, I put a queen excluder and a super on it. There are three out there that I had to take so much comb off of that I just stuck an empty box between the new box and the old box with the honey and wax sitting there. I figure I'll let them clean it out and then go back in tomorrow or Saturday and take what they don't manage to clean up.
It was a lot of work. My Uncle keeps telling me that it's a lot of work, and today I'd have to agree. I took 20 feeders off, took the boxes back to the garage. Took 20 boxes with wax and frames out as well as inner covers and in some cases queen excluders.
I have to get 9 deeps together soon and get them out there. I figure that a super was better than nothing and at least the queen excluder would keep the queen in the brood box.
I do have one box of cut comb foundation out in the yard and it's coming along nicely. I don't know if it will continue, everyone tells me that it's next to impossible to achieve, but after seeing the beautiful cut comb at my Uncles last year I had to try.

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