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Sunday, March 26, 2006


Did I say gray yesterday. . .well the weather hasn't gotten any better. Jim is outside in the garage putting together more woodenware. Boy will it ever end? I took some photo's of the hives so you could see the new night lights and to see just how cloudy and overcast the day is.

The garage has been the main building site for all the frames and boxes. Here is a picture of what goes on when you are crazy enough to add 20 more hives.
Just about when you think you are going to see the end of it all, you uncover more stuff to put together and paint. Jim just keeps shaking his head and muttering under his breath. I know it's only good things though:)

Probably this week we will start to set up the stand and put some of the brood chambers out so we can empty out the garage a bit. I think Jim would like to put his car back in the garage. . . . How do I tell him it's going to be a little while?

I also just finished a photo session with the bears that I put up on the web site. Lil helped to get them ready. There was one photo that we took because we were thinking of Uncle Dave. Dave just joined the Air Force and we just got home from seeing his graduation in San Antonio.

Well better close so I can get to work. Have a wonderful day:)

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