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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What the heck happened to summer?

You know that you are way to busy when you can't keep up with things. Somehow this summer things have gotten out of control. Yes we are still working on the garage project for the honey house. Jim has added a heated floor using the woodburner to the project which means every time I turn around it's getting bigger and bigger.
We helped a few new beekeepers get started this year and actually helped one of them harvest 80 lbs of honey from one hive last Sunday! Now us on the other hand well, we just haven't had a chance to harvest anything.
In order for us to get some extracting done I need to set up all the equiptment and in order for me to do that I have to have the garage finished. Do you see where this is going? Anyway I'm trying hard to keep things up.
I hope your summers are going better than ours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Tecumseh and am interested in buying wax for crayons I am planning to sell in my store Alphabet Emporium. It's important that I buy locally and organic so I was hoping you could help me
Thank you
Danielle Smith