The healing power of honey: From burns to weak bones, raw honey can help
Snow can be fun and winter weather can be great. especially if you enjoy any of the popular outside activities like skiing. snowboarding, skating or just making snowballs. One thing you really have to be careful of though is dry chapped skin and dry chapped lips.
At the Bee Yard we use honey for and in just about everything. Cuts and sores always get a dab of honey covered by a band aid but I also use our honey and our beeswax in our flavored lip balm. In the winter there is nothing worse than those cracked sore lips. No matter how hard you try unless you protect them it's bound to happen. Using our lip balm will not only keep your lips nice and soft, but they will be naturally protected against whatever mother nature decides to throw your way!
I love this quote I took from the article above:
"Raw honey is exceptionally effective internally against bacteria and parasites. Plus, raw honey contains natural antibiotics, which help kill microbes directly. Raw honey, when applied topically, speeds the healing of tissues damaged by infection and/or trauma. It contains vitamins, minerals and enzymes, as well as sugars, all of which aid in the healing of wounds."
I think that pretty much says it all. . .well maybe not. Our lip balm tastes pretty darned good too! Your choice of Peppermint, Wintergreen or Lemon 100% natural.
I have been using honey as a 1st aid remedy since I was a little girl. My grandmother was very knowledgable in alternative healing which was unusual during her day. But whenever a wound wouldn't heal, out came the honey and wha-lah! Healed. I don't buy any OTC remedies. I just use honey. Thanks for the post. It's an affirmation for me!
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