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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Checking in on the Bees!

Yesterday I got a phone call from one of the folks that visit us down at the market and they wondered how the bees are doing. Well I wish I could tell you. . . .It's too cold to actually open up the boxes and see how things are going, but there are a few ways that I can tell things are going ok.

If I try to pick up the boxes and they are still heavy I know that the food I left behind for them to enjoy is still good. If the box is light I have to worry about them starving, and if that's the case, I make some candy boards up and slip them on top of the box hoping that that will keep them satisfied.

On a sunny day the bees might still decide to head out for a cleansing flight and I look for any action on those days. That would be a good sign. But it would also mean that they are going through more of the honey stores to replenish themselves because of the flying, I suppose it's a win, lose situation.

I also look for dead bees in front of the boxes. Bees clean the hive and if it's warm enough for them to do it they will. Too many dead bees in front of the boxes is not a good sign.

So for now, I have no news, but as soon as it warms up here enough to find out, I'll let you know.
In the meantime have a great week and if you get a chance come down to the Toledo Farmers Market this weekend and visit us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you live off Humphrey?