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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bee Yard Update

Well as usual I'm writing on the fly. Yesterday the market was a washout. I did go to a assisted living facility and give a talk to a great group of folks, but when I headed to market it was pouring outside. I drove to where we hold the market and saw that most of the vendors were inside their cars looking out. After looking towards the sky and seeing that it might not end for awhile, I headed for home.

So today I thought I would just try to catch up.

It still looks like rain today and I've been in and out most of the day and somehow avoided getting wet. Out in the bee yard my two new queens seem to be settling in very well. The hives are pretty calm and the bees are going about their business just as usual. I've put feeders on both of them because the honey flow isn't in right now and I just want to make sure they have some food.

Last Saturday we took honey off the hives for the first time this year. We ended up with more than we did last year but as usual it is never enough. Jim's mom and dad came over to help with the extraction process. I don't think they realized how much was involved. Jim's mom, Helen, figured out right away that it was just like cutting corn off the cob and went to work doing her thing while the rest of us divided up the remaining chores. Before too long we were done and all the honey was safely away in buckets waiting to be bottled. Some of our hives are on a friend of ours property so we bottled up a gallon of honey right away as a form of payment. We saw our friends Saturday night and they were more than pleased with their "take" of the harvest. We also sent Jim's folks home with some honey to thank them for their help.

While we were in Kentucky I noticed some new items that I could bring to the market so when I got home I started to put together what I had and find out what I needed. Turned out that I didn't really need too much to make them so Beeswax Christmas Ornaments just got added to our Market Product List. I think they are pretty cool, Jim on the other hand just rolls his eyes.

So while it's raining today I'm in the garage working with beeswax. I'll take some photo's and upload them later.

Hope your day is as great as mine has been!

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