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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm finally back in the groove. . . .

Well I've gotten a chance to catch my breath before I head out once again. There has been alot accomplished here at the bee yard. I obtained the licensing I needed to bring our product into stores, so that means now I am in the process of calling on stores to see if I can actually get them put on shelves. I have a list that I'm starting with and I'm working my way down the list. I never thought we would ever be able to wholesale, but here we are. I think that this is a real good example of never assuming that you've finally reached a level and won't be able to go any further.

This last few weeks we also have been busy getting the girls ready for winter. A few of the hives are going to require some bottle feeding. I know that sounds corny, but I like the way it sounds. What that means is that the hives are not heavy enough to get through the winter. (They don't have enough honey weight) So I'm going to supplement feed with mason jars and sugar water and essential oils. The weather is totally unpredictable right now so I'm not sure just how long I'll be able to do it. But I don't have much of a choice. I'm leaving to visit my Mom in about 10 days. . Yipeeeeee!!!!!!!! (Finally some real me time) so I've got to make sure that everything that needs to be done is done. I also am in the middle of doing one more health check on the girls. Yesterday I went out and did a sugar roll in about half of the hives and they still look pretty darned good. (What that means is I put about 1/2 cup of powdered sugar in a mason jar that has been fitted with screen, I put about a cup of bees in and gently, (and I do mean gently) roll them around so they are coated in powdered sugar. I then shake off the powder that is in the jar on a white board and count the number of mites that fall off.) You can get more info about this by doing a search in google.)

Funny but my daughter Dana called me last night and said, Mom your web page needs some major updating. I know I know I know. . She must have missed the entry where I was going on and on about how hard it is being the beekeeper, the bottler, the marketer, the labeler, the packager and . . . . lots more. . .So I'm working on it. Today the blog. . this weekend the website.

I'm uploading some photo's because it's been awhile. Just to let you know on the cold winter days the girls are pretty much staying close to home and keeping snuggly warm inside. Today I've got my second to last market at Westgate. I'm hoping it's warm enough to actually go there today. For the last two weeks I've been rained out.

I'm totally frustrated by trying to upload the photos I'll give it one more try and if it doesn't work I'll publish this and add the pictures later. . .
Enough. . .

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