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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Westgate Farmers Market Rocks!!!!!

What do you get when you put a farm market in the middle of a parking lot just off Secor? A whole lot of happy people. I had no idea that soooo many people would be thrilled to see us set up our tents. And I know that most of us didn’t expect the response that we got.

I could not believe the crowd that showed up. People were everywhere. Seeing smiles on people’s faces gave me a feeling inside that is really hard to explain. It’s one of those things that you only hear about, but being part of this makes it even more special.

It’s more than obvious that people in this area are thrilled at the opportunity to buy fresh produce and talk to local growers. I got the chance to meet a whole new bunch of people who were really interested in my bees and beekeeping. I was thrilled beyond belief, because I love talking bee talk. It’s really cool to have people tell me about family members that have kept bees and I love hearing all the stories. I think I’m at my best though when a little one wants to know where the honey comes from. It’s the opening I’m waiting for that gives me the chance to help kids learn about bees and all the wonderful things they do for us.

I never realized that it was so hard for people to get down to the market on Erie Street so hopefully this will work out better for them, and I know that the vendors all around me were pleased as punch with the turnout that we had.

I had to leave early to take care of my Honey House Project, but believe me I’ll be there until 7:00 p.m. next weekend. I’d better stop writing so I can bottle some honey for the market on Saturday.

Hope to see you there!!!!!!

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