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Friday, May 12, 2006

Life here on Noahs Ark

Well it's been a typical spring in Michigan, freezing cold, hot and sunny and mostly dreary and rainy. I don't remember what the sun looks like anymore. I realize it's only been three days since the sun has been here, but the last three days have been horrible. I haven't gotten out to the bee yard, because to do that I would have to get in a boat. But we did have some excitement at the start of the week. Jim and I were out in the yard putting up some "yard art" given to me by the world famous artist "Steve Million" when Jim looked over my shoulder and said, "Uh Oh, I think we've got trouble."

The bees had swarmed. There is a good side and a bad side. The good side was they didn't get too far. The bad side was that we had to catch them and put them back in a hive. I immediately said, "I've got to call my Uncle Ted." He wasn't home and I grabbed the BeeKeeping for Dummies instead. Jim just shook his head and put his suit on and headed out to the yard. I of course made sure to have my camera and followed closely behind. We dragged a ladder out and a new box and Jim climbed up the ladder and brushed off what we could while I held the box. Believe me there were a ton of bees that were not to receptive to getting into the new box. We put a screen on top of what we had and while I held the lid to the new box up, Jim poured them in. A couple of trys later, they finally seemed to settle in.

Just when you think things are going great, life happens. . . .Off to market again tomorrow hope it goes well.

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