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Monday, April 24, 2006

Home at last:)

Home Sweet Home

Well Saturday morning arrived, we woke up early and Jim made pancakes. We knew that we had a pretty big day ahead of us, looking back at it now, I don’t think we realized just how big.

It started out pretty normal, we opened the packages and started shaking them into their boxes. I had a little bee feed made up and we poured that in the first few hives. It took about an hour for the first five packages. We got all 20 hives taken care of and then started on the nightmare of feeding them all. Poor Jim he had to haul about 15 pails of bee feed. I made it up on the front porch while he took one pail out at a time. Now we are talking about 50 lb. pails of feed. Each feeder takes about 3 gallons of feed, and we have 30 hives. Let me tell you it doesn’t sound like a great deal to some of you, but walking over 800 feet that many times in a bee suit in the warm weather just about ended out relationship. Although later that evening he said that he really enjoyed working outside, initially when we got inside after feeding all the girls, he collapsed in his chair and quickly drank two full bottles of water. It was a great deal of work.

But its all done for the day. I looked across the yard at the bees flying everywhere and thought to myself, “Yes Martha, it is a good thing.:)”

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